What does donating my Birthday mean?!

It was the night before turning thirty, and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. Well, there better not be mice…I will freak out, yuck!

Anyway, I have signed up with One Day’s Wages, to help raise money for the partnerships they have with organizations working with Syrian refugees. This organization is helping other organizations that are already on the ground and in my opinion that is one of the best ways to help; to support what is already going on.

There are over 9 million Syrian refugees that have been living with out guarantees of safety, sanitation, water, food, and education for their children. We can help, you can help. So, consider donating $30(or more) in honor of my big birthday and join with me in bringing hope and healing to millions desperately in need!  You can read more about the crisis, here.

Ready to donate?!  Go



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